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The Firm

ADALA Office is a business-oriented Cairo based IP & law office serving a national and international blue chip client base of large corporations and individuals.

ADALA Office is recommended as one of the best represented IP & law office which has a long and proved track record in the area of intellectual property rights. In the past number of years our strong IP practice group, which build our office's reputation, has opened up and led to what our office can now render to our multinational clients of corporate and civil law field. In less than five years ADALA Office has gone from a niche IP office to a full-services law office.

In addition, among the areas of legal consultation are: Islamic law, commercial agreements, cooperation agreements, establishment of Egypt entity and Egyptian operations, litigation risk management, telecom, oil, gas, energy and IT business.

In early 2002, ADALA office began practice alone in the area of intellectual property field and has acquired a wide reputation in this field both internationally and locally. Through years, we expanded our service to be included complex litigation, commercial arbitration and mediation, corporate acquisitions, joint venture. We kept on growing ever since.
Our expanded experience supports us in addressing the client's needs. We know law top to bottom and leverage that knowledge to address new and anticipated lawsuits. The attorneys and staff in our office take a great pride in our reputation for excellence, expertise and quality service.
With Four partners, ADALA Office is one of Egyptian's most insightful intellectual property firms.