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Important Notes

- Use of patent is compulsory in Egypt. If the owner of a patented invention did not use the same within 3 years as of the date of the grant, or within 4 years from the filing date, which of the two periods is longer, or if working ceases for one year without an acceptable reason, then the patent will be subject to compulsory licensing under the provisions of the law. If within 2 years as of the grant of the compulsory license, the licensee does not exploit the patented invention, any interested party may apply to the Patent Office demanding the cancellation of the subject patent for non-working.

- Worldwide novelty requirement is requested.

- Software must be accompanied with a hardware in order to be patented in Egypt.

- Assignment of patents is acceptable at any stage (i.e. for granted patents as well as pending application).

- Infringement of the rights of a patentee is punishable under the provisions of the current patent law.